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Największy w Turcji projekt hybrydowy energii słonecznej i wodnej

Talesun Solar Supplies Modules for Turkey’s Largest Solar–Hydro Hybrid Project Talesun Solar, a leading PV module manufacturer, announced that the company has supplied solar modules for a Turkey’s largest solar-hydro
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Wywiad: „W tym roku zwiększymy nasze moce produkcyjne o 15 GW!” Dong Shuguang

INTERVIEW : The strong is back! Dong Shuguang, President of Talesun Solar, made his public debut for the first time: „We will increase production capacity by 15GW this year!” At
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Nasza nowa fabryka już oficjalnie działa!

The first module of Shandong Talesun 5GW project went offline, and the first phase of the project was successfully put into production! On January 10, 2021, Talesun Shandong’s 5GW high-efficiency
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Vous avez un projet photovoltaïque ?

1 GW
de capacités de production de modules en 2020
1 +
une présence commerciale dans plus de 50 pays
1 +
ingénieurs dans notre laboratoire R&D
1 M$
de budget R&D pour l'amélioration de nos produits